Cozumel News December 13: Social Security Mandatory for Domestic Workers, Mexico to hike minimum wage by 20% in 2023, Calendar Christmas Activities. Predial Discounts 2023, Traditional Christmas Holiday Foods in Mexico, Taxi Numbers, and more!
Social Security Mandatory for Domestic Workers

security mandatory for domestic workers
The Mexico News Daily reported on October 28 that a bill passed both the house and the senate to guarantee that Mexico’s more than 2 million domestic workers have access to social security benefits (IMSS). This will become law once President López Obrador has promulgated it.
Employers and employees must contribute to IMSS. However, It will be the employer’s responsibility to register the employee as well as retain and forward their share of the contribution.
Employers can utilize the IMSS online tool (Spanish only) to calculate the contributions. Registration can be completed on the IMSS website. Information about how to register an employee is available in English in this Infobae article.
Predial Discounts 2023
Pay your real Estate Taxes and garbage fees early for 2023 and take advantage of the following discounts. Do not forget, a senior INAPAM card earns you a big 50% discount on your home taxes!

Mexico to hike minimum wage by 20% in 2023
The standard minimum wage will rise to around 207 pesos ($10.82) a day from 172.87 pesos ($9.03) a day. Workers along the U.S.-Mexico border, wages will rise to 312 pesos a day from 260 pesos a day.
The hike follows double digit-percent raises by Lopez Obrador’s administration every year since he took office at the end of 2018, seeking to curb Mexico’s vast income disparity.
Christmas Activities in Cozumel
Here is a calendar of Christmas activities the next few weeks!

Traditional Christmas Holiday Foods in Mexico
Christmas Holiday Traditional foods in Mexico include Ensalada de Nochebuena, Pierna de Puerco, Tamales, Bacalao, Romeritos, Pozole, Pavo, Buñuelos, and/or a Ponche Navideño. You can expect to see these dishes and beverage in Mexican Homes or in restaurants menus.

Ensalada de Nochebuena
The Ensalada de Noche Buena is a very festive looking salad. This salad usually has lettuce and beets. The other ingredients vary according to the place and the chef’s preference. The salad may include apple, carrot, orange, pineapple, jicama, pecans or peanuts, and pomegranate seeds as a garnish.

Smoked Leg of Pork/Pierna De Puerco Adobada
The Pierna de Puerco is a typical Christmas or New Years’ dinner and is usually accompanied by a sweet sauce and garnished with fruit.

Tamales are made from corn meal. They are wrapped either in corn husks or banana leaves. They come in a variety of fillings. It is very time consuming to prepare tamales, making them a special holiday food. The tamale recipe varies from state to state in Mexico.

The Bacalao (dried salted codfish) starts showing up in markets and grocery stores throughout Mexico as Christmas approaches. This dish that originated in Europe has become a common part of a traditional Mexican Christmas feast. Bacalao a la Vizcaina is a popular recipe. The cod is stewed with tomatoes, capers, olives, and potatoes. It is simple to make and delicious. The Cozumel Sun has this recipe!

A romeritos are made with a small green leaf vegetable. The plant resembles rosemary. ¨Romeritos en Revoltijo¨ is served with shrimp cakes and doused in mole. This is a favorite of my Cozumel friends; I have not been able to warm up to it. The Cozumel Sun has this recipe!

Pozole is a hominy soup made with pork or chicken and seasoned with Chile and garlic. The dish is served with garnishes of shredded lettuce or cabbage, thinly sliced radishes, avocado, oregano, and lime wedges. Pozole is made in large batches, making it a great party food. Pozole is popular at Christmas and Mexican Independence Day meals. If you have not had Pozole, you are missing out. It is a year around favorite in my household.

Turkey – Pavo
Native to Mexico, turkeys are a popular choice for a Mexican Christmas Eve dinner. The Christmas turkey may be roasted or served with mole. Mole is a rich sauce made of ground chilies and other ingredients. Do not expect the American version! Mexican turkeys are injected with Coca Cola or wine. It is seasoned differently, and the stuffing is not your typical American stuffing.

Served with a hot drink, Buñuelos make an excellent treat on a chilly night. This crispy fried treat is like a sweet tostada. The Buñuelos can be sprinkled with sugar or doused in syrup. After enjoying the sweet fritter, you make a wish and throw your clay plate on the ground, where it smashes to bits.

Ponche Navideño
The fruit punch, Ponche Navideño is made with Tejocotes. This is Mexican Hawthorn that looks like a crab apple with a large pit and a unique flavor. The punch is made with tropical fruits such as Guavas. It is then flavored with cinnamon and sweetened with piloncillo.

Rosca de Reyes
Rosca de Reyes is a traditional bread that commemorates El Día de Los Tres Reyes Magos or Three Kings’ Day. The oval shape represents the endless love of God, and the doll figure hidden inside the bread symbolizes baby Jesus. It honors the day the Three Kings visited the newborn Jesus, and officially ends the holiday season in Mexico and in Latin America.
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Cozumel News November 13 Continued
The Cozumel Sun Community Assistance Programs
All medication that we receive from you goes to T.S.C. free Clinic and pharmacy. Please check your medicine cabinet regularly and bring us your unused medication!
Todos Somos Cozumel Servicios Médicos Integral & Farmacia Comunitaria is located at Calle 85 bis con José María Morelos B in Colonia Repobladores.

The services are available by appointment only from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The numbers listed are 987 141 3111, 987 989 7807, and 987 137 5133.
Medical Equipment
In stock to loan wheelchair, walker, two sets of crutches, and nebulizer. Canes are donated to seniors. Other medical supplies are donated directly to the free clinic or public hospital.
Taxi Contact Numbers

Book Exchange & Store

Our Services
Thank you book exchange participants that donate on a regular basis to the book exchange. Any amount is greatly appreciated as it helps keep our doors open. Business is SLOW and most of our merchandise is very economical as we serve the immediate community.
Cozumel´s first Book Exchange & Papelaria offers School & Office Supplies, Printing, Copies, Scans, International Telephone, Internet Cafe, Gifts & Novelty Items. An assortment of books and movies are in stock FOR SALE.
Location & Hours
Address: 35 Ave entre Calles 17 y 15 Bis. Colonia Independencia.
Telephone: 987-118-4453 o Business Number 987-869-3119.
Hours: Monday through Fridays 8:00. a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Sundays 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Donate to The Book Exchange!